Doing PD on ThinkHumanTV

2 min. readlast update: 07.22.2024

ThinkHumanTV now enables educators in multiple states to earn continuing education credit hours on the platform.

To get started, simply sign up for ThinkHumanTV, and choose Professional Development as the reason you are signing up. (Note that if you previously signed up and selected a different reason, you will still be able to get access to the PD course.  See below for details.)


After signing up, you will have the option to upgrade your account, or begin the PD with the free account.

The free account gives you access to 8 modules in the course, and enables you to earn 5 hours of continuing education credit hours.

You will see the certifications that are available to you on the account page.

The status of the certification (complete or incomplete) will also be shown.

Clicking in the (i) icon next to the certification name will provide information on the requriements to complete the certification.

You will be able to see the course curriculum by clicking on Curricula in the menu.

In order to proceed in the training you will need to install the ThinkHumanTV browser extension (works in Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge). 

You will also need access to a Netflix, Dinsney+, or Peacock account (note the free Peacock account may not come with sufficient supported content). 

You can access helpful videos on how to get set up on the Getting Started page. 

Upon completing the requirements for the certification, you will receive an email with your completion certificate. The cerfication will also be shown as completed on the account page, and on your profile page.

After completing the free 5hr certification, you can upgrade to complete the 10 or 20 hour certifications. 


If You Signed up Previously...

If you've previously signed up as an educator, you can get access to the PD training by selecting '+Add Curriculum' from your profile page.

You will then be prompted to join or create an organization, if you haven't previously done so. 

Once you join or create an organization, you should see the course curriculum ("The Science of an Emotionally Regulated Classroom") on your dashboard.

If you are a part of an organization and don't see the training curriculum, please contact us.

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