Getting Started with ThinkHumanTV in the Classroom

3 min. readlast update: 05.18.2024

ThinkHumanTV uses major streaming sites like Netflix and Disney+ to support the development of social-emotional skills like self-awareness, empathy, and emotion regulation. Learn more about the methodology used by the platform.

ThinkHumanTV can be used both in class and as an independent/homework assignment. The articles below can help you get started.

  1. Using ThinkHumanTV in class

  2. Using ThinkHumanTV as homework

You can also take a mixed approach depending on time availability and objectives, assigning ThinkHumanTV as independent work in some instances, and using it in class in others. ThinkHumanTV enables group/individual progress syncing to facilitate such a hybrid approach.

See also: Where Does THTV Fit in my Curriculum.

We Will Help Get You Set Up

If you need help with the platform, or would like to better understand how it could fit in with your SEL practice, please schedule an onboarding call with a ThinkHumanTV team member (IT’S FREE).

You can also view helpful videos on the general Get Started page to learn how to get started using ThinkHumanTV.

Additional professional development for educators is also available.


Important Tips

Media selection: You are in control of media selection on ThinkHumanTV. Regardless of which titles are chosen, or their order, all students can cover the same emotion science content. There are several ways to approach media selection:

  1. You may select one or more title(s) to watch as a class, such as Avatar or Cobra Kai on Netflix.

  2. You may allow individual students to watch titles of their choice.

  3. You may allow students to watch titles of their choice from a list you have selected. For example, Star Wars, Moana, or WandaVision.

Note: if there is a title you want to use with your class but that we don’t yet support, let us know!  

1 Learning Module = ~1 Episode: On average, a ThinkHumanTV learning module (that is, a unit which covers a particular emotion concept) can be completed while watching a half hour of content, or roughly a single TV show episode. Note that the time it takes to complete the module can actually be a lot shorter because a user can click on scenes in the episode to go directly to the learning activities.

Use frequency: ThinkHumanTV provides a structured way to practice foundational social emotional skills such as emotion identification and empathy. As with all skills, improvement calls for practice to be regular and consistent. It is recommended that students have the chance to practice once a week or more, either in class or at home. See also: Where Does THTV Fit in my Curriculum.

Program duration: While training can be delivered in a set timeframe such as 4-6 weeks, ThinkHumanTV is designed for continuous use. Following the completion of the initial training curriculum, which will vary by grade, students can continue to practice their knowledge and skills with new, age-appropriate media content, allowing for ongoing improvement and deep learning. Teachers tell us that ThinkHumanTV sessions quickly become one of students’ favorite activities!

Curriculum Progression: The ThinkHumanTV training curricula are structured to best facilitate emotion learning. Learners automatically progress through the curriculum, advancing to new modules as they complete preceding ones while watching media content. Note that one can switch narratives at any time without losing one’s place in the curriculum.

For additional information you can check the FAQ, visit the general Getting Started Page, or get in touch with us.

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